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Edward and His Unforgettable Adventure, Folklore From Spain

Jendela Informasi - Edward was a knight. He seldom stayed in his palace. He loved travelling to new places. He did his adventure when his loyal guardian accompanied him. His name was Alfonso.

When Edward visited new places, he often helped the local people from bad people. Edward was very skillful in fighting. He also had great courage. He was not afraid of bad people.

There was a place where the king was mean. The people had to suffer because of the king's cruelty. Edward came to the palace and asked the king to treat his people nicely.

The king refused. He even asked Edward to leave his kingdom otherwise he would be sent to jail. Was Edward scared? No! He even challenged the king to fight.

He won! The mean king gave up and promised to change. The people were so grateful. They asked him to stay in the kingdom. Edward refused the offer.
"I will come back if the king breaks his promise to treat you all well," said Edward.

Edward went to another place. It was horrible. There was a dragon that often attacked and killed people. With his power, Edward kill the dragon. After it was safe, he left the place. 

When Edward and Alfonso were taking a rest, an old man came. He told them that there was a
sacred lake that guarded by an evil queen. Her palace was at the bottom of the lake. Whoever went to the palace, would never come back home.

Edward was challenged to find the queen. When they arrived at the lake, suddenly they saw a very beautiful woman walking on the water!
"Come here, follow me," said the woman. Who was she? Well, she was the queen of the lake. She had magical power to make her able to walk on the water.

Edward was so amazed with her beauty. He followed her. Alfonso tried to stop him, however Edward ignored him.

Edward tried to walk on the water. Amazingly, he could do it. When he approached the queen, she immediately brought him to her palace at the bottom of the lake.

When they arrived at the palace, the queen asked him to tell her all his adventure. Edward was so delighted that the queen was so interested in his adventure. On the following day, the queen again asked him to tell his adventure. Edward was so happy that the queen still wanted to hear his daring adventure.

It happened again and again for months. The queen kept on asking him to tell all his adventure. Edward started to get bored. He wanted to leave the palace and go home.

"No one can leave my palace!" screamed the queen. Edward suddenly realized his mistake. The queen had fooled him. The queen's beauty had made Edward completely forget who he was. 

Edward tried to escape. The queen asked his soldiers to stop him. Edward fought bravely. One by one, the soldier died. The queen was angry. She attacked him. Fortunately, Edward had amazing skills. He could easily kill the queen.

After the queen died, suddenly a big fish came. The fish said, "Thank you for helping us. The queen was so bad to us. Come on follow me, I will help you to reach the surface."

A moment later, Edward appeared in the surface. He saw Alfonso was still waiting for him.
"After months I left you, you are still here waiting for me," said Edward.
"Months? I don't understand. You just left for a few minutes. I was so worried. I almost swam to find you. Thank God, you came back," said Alfonso.

Edward could not believe what happened. He felt very happy to be able to leave the palace and killed the queen. He knew that going to palace at the bottom of the lake was his unforgettable adventure.

Maman Malmsteen
Maman Malmsteen Aktif menulis sejak tahun 1986 di media massa. Menjadi announcer di Radio Fantasy 93,1 FM sejak tahun 1999. Menjadi Blogger sejak tahun 2010. Sekarang aktif sebagai Content Writer untuk beberapa Blog/Website.

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