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How to Make Oriental Fried Rice

  1. Cut up meatballs and chicken fillet into small pieces.
  2. Grind together garlic, pepper and salt.
  3. Break in and stir in one or two eggs.
  4. To make oriental fried rice, you will need a plate of rice, meatballs, eggs, leeks, chicken fillet, frozen green peas soaked in hot water, garlic, pepper and salt, and a spoonful of oyster sauce.
  5. Chop up the leeks into very small pieces.
How to make it:
a.  Then, pour the eggs and green peas.
b.  After that, pour the ground garlic, pepper and salt, adds a spoonful of oyster sauce. Put the leeks into the mixture and a plate of rice.
c.  First of all, fry the chicken Àllet and meatballs. Stir the mixture well.
d.  Finally, serve oriental fried rice on a plate with hot sauce, if you like.
Maman Malmsteen
Maman Malmsteen Aktif menulis sejak tahun 1986 di media massa. Menjadi announcer di Radio Fantasy 93,1 FM sejak tahun 1999. Menjadi Blogger sejak tahun 2010. Sekarang aktif sebagai Content Writer untuk beberapa Blog/Website.
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